Biomass Landuse Change model (BioLUC)

The BioLUC model is intended to complement existing landuse change (LUC) modeling approaches and to improve the understanding of global LUC drivers and dynamics by allowing examination of global LUC under diverse scenarios and varying model assumptions. BioLUC uses a system dynamics modeling framework to model, on a global basis, demand for food commodities in response to exogenous biofuel scenarios. The movement of land between usage categories over time is represented in the model using stocks for four different land bases, which flows into or out of those stocks. BioLUC represents key feedback processes that drive the allocation of land
over time. Examples of these processes include: imbalances between production and consumption of various agricultural products motivate changes in the allocation of land among different uses at a regional level; demand for animal products creates additional demand for crops grown as feed; crop and animal product imbalances between production and consumption stimulate adaptive responses in the system to move toward equilibrium; and reallocation of existing crop land among different uses balances the mix of crops produced against the mix of crops required.
Model/Tool Platform:
General Modeling Type:
Dynamic (with feedbacks)
Primary analytical purpose:
Analysis of the environmental effects of bioenergy and bioproduct technologies or feedstocks.
Secondary analytical purpose:
Analysis of the economic or social effects of bioenergy and bioproduct technologies or feedstocks.
Metric categories:
- Environmental:
- Other Environmental
Geospatial resolution:
Temporal resolution:
NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Principal investigator:
Daniel Inman
Model start year:
Model last updated:
Development status:
Fully Developed - no new updates planned
Level of validation/review:
External Peer Review / Publicly Released
Model scope:
Biomass Supply
Feedstock Logistics
End Use
- Feedstock Types
- Starch
- Sugar Crops
- Oil Crops
- Fiber Crops
- Cover Crops and Hay
- Agricultural Residues
- Herbaceous Energy Crops
- Forest Residues
- Forest Resources
- Woody Energy Crops
- Other Feedstock (not listed)
- Products/Process Outputs
- Transportation Fuels - Ethanol
- Transportation Fuels - Renewable Gasoline
- Transportation Market Segment
- Light Duty Vehicles
Information last updated: Mar. 25, 2020 17:20:37 EDT