Carbon Calculator for Land Use and Land Management Change from Biofuels Production (CCLUB)

CCLUB has been developed as an integral part of Argonne’s GREET model to analyze GHG emissions from land use change (LUC) and land management change (LMC) in the context of overall biofuel life-cycle analysis. It relies on biofuel production scenarios, LUC and LMC scenarios, and emission factors (EF) to generate GHG emissions of LUC and LMC for biofuel production in gCO2e per MJ of fuel produced. In response to biofuel production scenarios of four ethanol and one soy biodiesel pathways, the GTAP model estimates domestic and international area of land that transits from one of four land use types to
another. Then the area changed due to land transition is multiplied by corresponding EFs to estimate LUC GHG emissions for biofuel production scenarios. While both domestic and international EFs are derived from an empirical database resolved at the biome or U.S. state-equivalent level, CCLUB utilizes county-level domestic soil C EFs generated with a process-based simulation model (parameterized CENTURY). CCLUB also estimates domestic soil C EFs associated with LMC scenarios, which include conservation farming options practiced when corn stover is harvested as cellulosic ethanol feedstock.
Model/Tool Platform:
General Modeling Type:
Hybrid / other: Geospatial Accounting/Inventory
Primary analytical purpose:
System level:
Analysis of the effects of bioenergy and bioproduct technologies and feedstock on the landscape or relate markets. System level modeling examines effects outside the direct supply chain.
Secondary analytical purpose:
Analysis of the environmental effects of bioenergy and bioproduct technologies or feedstocks.
Metric categories:
- Environmental:
- GHG Emissions
- Soil Quality
Geospatial resolution:
Temporal resolution:
ANL - Argonne National Laboratory
Principal investigator:
Hoyoung Kwon
Model start year:
Model last updated:
Development status:
In Development
Level of validation/review:
External Peer Review / Publicly Released
Model scope:
Biomass Supply
Feedstock Logistics
End Use
- Feedstock Types
- Starch
- Agricultural Residues
- Herbaceous Energy Crops
- Products/Process Outputs
- Biopower
- Bioproducts
Analytical Purpose
Supply Chain Elements
Biomass Supply
Feedstock Logistics
End Use
Information last updated: Sep. 17, 2019 13:45:46 EDT