Available Water Remaining for the United States (AWARE-US)

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Abstract: The online version of the AWARE-US model provides monthly water stress characterization factors (CFs) for all counties in the continental United States. The online tool provides a General User Interface (GUI) that enables users to custom tailor results based multiple criteria including: Geography (State), County (Name), and Time Period (Annual, Month). Further, the model supports the calculation of regionalized water scarcity footprints, contingent on user provided monthly water consumption data.
General Modeling Type:
Dynamic (without feedbacks)
Primary analytical purpose:
Environmental: Analysis of the environmental effects of bioenergy and bioproduct technologies or feedstocks.
Secondary analytical purpose:
Life-cycle analysis: Analysis of the environmental, social, or economics effects of bioenergy and bioproduct technologies across their entire life-cycle.
Metric categories:
  • Environmental:
    • Water Impacts (quality and/or quantity)
Geospatial resolution:
Temporal resolution:
ANL - Argonne National Laboratory
Principal investigators:
Michael Wang, Hui Xu
Model start year:
Model last updated:
Development status:
Fully Developed with periodic updates
Level of validation/review:
External Peer Review / Publicly Released
Model scope:
Supply chain elements
Biomass Supply
Feedstock Logistics
End Use
  • Feedstock Types
    • Sugar Crops
    • Fiber Crops
    • Cover Crops and Hay
    • Herbaceous Energy Crops
    • Woody Energy Crops
    • Algae
  • Conversion Technology
    • Other
  • Products/Process Outputs
    • Other Process Output
  • Transportation Market Segment
    • Other Transportation Segment
Linkage Strength: (hover for description)
Analytical Purpose
Supply Chain Elements
Biomass Supply
Feedstock Logistics
End Use

Resource Assessment Models

Biomass Assessment Tool (BAT)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution

Impact Assessment Models

Available Water Remaining for the United States (AWARE-US)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use
The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies Model (GREET)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use
Water Analysis Tool for Energy Resources (WATER)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion
Information last updated: Feb. 14, 2020 17:17:21 EST