Bioenergy Scenario Model (BSM)

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Abstract: The Bioenergy Scenario Model (BSM) is a unique, carefully validated, state-of-the-art, dynamic model of the domestic biofuels supply chain. BSM explicitly focuses on policy issues, their feasibility, and potential side effects. It integrates resource availability, physical/technological/economic constraints, behavior, and policy.
Model/Tool Platform:
General Modeling Type:
Hybrid / other: Dynamic Market/Supply Chain Transitions (with feedbacks)
Primary analytical purpose:
Transitions: Integrative scenario assessment of how supply chains or full market sectors transition overtime.
Secondary analytical purpose:
Cross-sector analysis: Integrative scenario assessment of the interactions across parts of the supply chain or multiple market sectors.
Metric categories:
  • Environmental:
    • Environmental Productivity (feedstock-related, e.g., NPP or yield)
  • Socio-economic:
    • Other Socio-economic (e.g., GDP impact, Investment/NPV)
Geospatial resolution:
Temporal resolution:
NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Principal investigator:
Emily Newes
Model start year:
Model last updated:
Development status:
Fully Developed with periodic updates
Level of validation/review:
External Peer Review / Publicly Released
Model scope:
Supply chain elements
Biomass Supply
Feedstock Logistics
End Use
  • Feedstock Types
    • Starch
    • Oil Crops
    • Fiber Crops
    • Cover Crops and Hay
    • Agricultural Residues
    • Herbaceous Energy Crops
    • Forest Residues
    • Woody Energy Crops
    • Solid Wastes (e.g., MSW, C&D, yard trimmings)
    • Algae
    • Fats, Oils, and Greases
  • Conversion Technology
    • Starch to Sugars
    • Lignocellulosic Biomass to Sugars
    • Lignocellulosic Biomass to Gaseous Intermediate
    • Lignocellulosic Biomass to Biocrude Intermediate (TC)
    • Syngas Catalytic Upgrading
    • Sugar Catalytic Upgrading
    • Oil Catalytic Upgrading
    • Sugar Biological Upgrading
    • Alcohol Catalytic (e.g., ethanol or isobutanol to jet)
    • HEFA
  • Products/Process Outputs
    • Transportation Fuels - Biodiesel
    • Transportation Fuels - Ethanol
    • Transportation Fuels - Renewable Diesel
    • Transportation Fuels - Renewable Gasoline
    • Transportation Fuels - Renewable Jet
    • Biopower
    • Intermediate - Sugars
    • Intermediate - Clean Biomass-based Crop Oils
    • Intermediate - Clean Biomass-based Algal Oils
    • Intermediate - Pyrolysis or Biocrude Intermediate
    • Intermediate - Syngas
    • Bioproducts
    • Other Process Output
  • Transportation Market Segment
    • Light Duty Vehicles
    • Heavy Duty Vehicles
Linkage Strength: (hover for description)
Analytical Purpose
Supply Chain Elements
Biomass Supply
Feedstock Logistics
End Use

Resource Assessment Models

Forest Sustainable and Economic Analysis Model (ForSEAM)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply
Policy Analysis System Model (POLYSYS)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion

Feasibility / Implementation Models

Techno-economic analysis
Blending Model (Blend)
Supply chain elements: Conversion, Distribution, End Use
NREL Conversion TEA Models (NREL-TEA)
Supply chain elements: Conversion
PNNL Conversion TEA Models (PNNL-TEA)
Supply chain elements: Conversion
Refinery Co-processing Models (RCPM)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion
Biomass Logistics Model (BLM)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion

Impact Assessment Models

The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies Model (GREET)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use
Environmentally-extended Multi-regional Projection of Lifecycle and Occupational energY futures (EMPLOY)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use
Waste-to-Energy System Simulation Model (WESyS)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use

Integrated Scenario Assessment Models

Air emissions, Greenhouse gas emissions, and Energy use model for the Bioeconomy (Bioeconomy AGE)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use
Companion Market Model (CMM)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use

Data Compilation Tools

Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework (Bioenergy KDF)
Supply chain elements: Biomass Supply, Feedstock Logistics, Conversion, Distribution, End Use
Information last updated: Sep. 17, 2019 13:45:46 EDT